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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How to make Money Online without any Investment!

There are hundreds of ways we can use to make money online with a website or even blog without spending any money. Here are some of best ways to make money online without spending a single penny:

Create a website/blog
If you already have a website/blog already, you are one step closer to making money online without any investment. If you don’t have one, start thinking over it. First of all chose a niche in which you can work as an expert and you are knowledgeable about. You should choose a niche you are passionate about and can write long posts without feeling bored. Once you have decided the niche or topic for your first website, go to is a blogging service owned by Google where we can create our blogs free of cost and with ease. We don’t need any programming or HTML knowledge before starting our first blog on (If you face any problem in starting your first blog on Blogger, let me know in the comment section, I will help you setting up your first blog properly.)

Build Traffic :
Once you have started your first blog without paying any penny on, give your blog a good Title, Description (optional) and chose a good looking template for your blog. If you don’t like the templates available on website, spend some time in searching templates for blogger. Once you are finished with all this, its time to build traffic on it. Create a rough list of topics that you have in your mind right now that you want to write about on your blog. Once you have finished writing about first topic for your blog, publish it immediately on your blog. This way goes on creating quality content pieces and publishing on your blog. You should aim at adding 3-4 articles at least on weekly basis on your blog and if you have more spare time, you can aim at adding one article per day.
After doing some hard work on your blog, you will see some traffic starts coming on your blog. And if you continue writing more quality posts about your niche, you can expect more traffic coming to your blog. Now you have traffic on your blog, its time to look for ways to make money online from it.

Here are some tips that will help you make money online without any investment. To implement some of tips, you must have a website or blog in place which you can create for free on And to implement rest of the tips, you even don’t need a website or even blog:

Google Adsense: if you already have a Gogole Adsense account adds Adsense widgets into your blog and start earning money immediately. And if you don’t have an adsense account, apply for Google Adsense account now with your best website/blog. Google takes 3-4 business days to approve an Adsense account. Once you have got your adsense account approval from Google, add Google adsense widgets in your blog header, footer, sidebar or in the content section where you want to place them. But don’t fill your blog with too much of adsense widgets.
Affiliate links: spend some time on and kind of affiliate websites to find some products about the niche you are blogging about or you have an established website. Once you find some products directly or someway related to your niche, add textual and banner links with your affiliate links in your blog/website.
Paid blogging: Join some paid blogging network like ReviewMe, SponsoredReviews, Smorty or PayPerPost and start earning money with them instantly. With these network, you can make $5 to $100 or more for each paid post that you write for their advertisers. To know more about paid blogging options click here
Selling text links: You can even make good amount of money with your blog by selling some text and banner links on your blog. You can sell these these links directly if you have a popular blog or can use some text link selling networks. To know more about text link selling networks click here
Writing content: there are many websites who are eager to pay you for writing quality content with the knowledge you have about your topic. Some websites where you can submit your content to earn some money even if you don’t have a website are,,
Create topical pages: If you are an expert about a niche, why don’ you start creating a knowledge house about your niche or the topic you are most knowledgeable about. Some of websites where you can create your topical pages for free are, and Google .You can make money with these topical pages by using Google Adsense or any affiliate program your topic matches with. You can link your content and include some affiliate images as well from Clickbank, Amazon, eBay or whichever affiliate program you use if there are some products related to your niche for sale on these affiliate websites.
Survey filling websites: spend some time on internet to find survey filling websites that actually pays. Most of survey filling websites pays into your paypal account. If you don’t have a paypal account, create a paypal account now. You have to create an account with most of survey filing websites and answer some easy question in one or two lines. And once you have reached the minimum payout, you will get the money you earned by filling surveys into your paypal account.
Paid to surf websites: as the name shows ‘paid to surf’, there are many websites that are willing to pay you some money for surfing their websites are doing some specific tasks like clicking some links or spending some fixed amount of time on a webpage. Some of paid to surf websites are and
So start following these techniques to make money online without any investment even if you don’t have a website of your own. Most of these techniques will work with free blogs created on and some even don’t require any website or blog like Writing content, Create topical pages, Survey filling websites and paid to suft websites.

Top 5 ways to make money on Twitter

Twitter is a micro-blogging platform where you can stay in touch with your friends, colleagues, top personalities, Gurus in any niche and of course your customers with your Tweets with your Tweets which can carry up to 140 words. But before thinking of making any money with Twitter, you need a big list of subscribers here on Twitter. And if you already don’t have thousands of subscribers sitting in your Twitter account, I would suggest you try Twitter Traffic Machine which is an automatic system to increase thousands of targeted followers in your Twitter account.
No doubt, Twitter is not a quick get rich scheme. Making money with Twitter is similar to making money with Blogging. Added benefit that we have with Twitter is that we don’t need to pay for hosting. All we need is an internet connection and patience to start making money with Twitter. In today’s post I am going to highlight top 5 ways any individual can use to make money online with their Twitter accounts:

Direct advertising: there may be some advertisers in your niche who are interested in advertising about their products if you have large number of subscribers on Twitter.
Hold contests: there are many advertisers who are willing to hold a contest using a popular Twitter account to reach their targeted audience and to get their feedback and thoughts about their products and services and to create some brand awareness.
Doing Paid Reviews: you can do paid review about a particular product you want to sell via Twitter. And if you are in the affiliate marketing niche, you can promote your affiliate products by sending promotion Tweets about the products you want to sell and don’t forget to include your affiliate link in your Tweet and shorten your affiliate link using Suppose you generally tweet about money making ideas on your Twitter account, then you should promote affiliate products that talk about making money, seo, blogging and internet marketing niche.
Twitter Consulting: why don’t try making money with Twitter consulting where you offer to help individuals and companies to utilize Twitter at its best.
Affiliate product selling: You can link to any affiliate product in your Tweets and can even promote your own product with Twitter. And when you sell your created product, you will have all profit going in your pocket. Suppose one of your Twitter’s subscribers is asking about the best email marketing software, you should recommend him the best email marketing software like Aweber or Getresponse and can include your affiliate link in your reply. So if you already don’t have an affiliate account, apply for any of affiliate site like ClickBank, Amazon, LinkShare, Commission Junction or any affiliate site that has the product you are aiming to sell to your followers on Twitter. When you send your affiliate links to your readers on Twitter, some of them will click your links and there will be some people who will actually buy some product that you recommended. So it’s all about having big list of targeted followers and sending Tweets with your affiliate links when most of your subscribers are online. But don’t send only promotion Tweets to your readers otherwise they will feel you are spamming them with your affiliate links. So the best idea will be like including your affiliate link in every 10th or 15th Tweet that you send to your readers.

3 Great Internet Business to make Money Online !

These days more and more people are looking for good internet businesses so they can make money online. This is often to replace their income after losing their job in this tough economy or just because they want to be their own boss. An internet business is more ideal than a brick and mortar business for many people because the costs and barriers of entry are considerably lower, and they can work from home.

Starting an internet business is really not very hard to do and it's quite inexpensive compared to any other business. With just a bit of learning and a few online resources you can have an internet business set up pretty quickly. In this post we will take a look at three very good internet businesses to start due to their ease of entry, low cost, and potential to make money quickly.

1) Selling stuff on eBay. This can be extremely profitable and it's not very difficult to get started. You can find wholesalers and dropshippers that will provide you with products, descriptions, photos and everything you need to create an eBay listing.

Some of the best selling products on eBay are electronics products such as digital cameras, laptop computers, iPod's, game consoles, and cell phones. But collectibles can also be very profitable for an eBay seller as well. Sometimes even regular household items will make a seller a surprisingly high amount of money.

2) Freelance business. This is another really good internet business that you can easily start. Freelance work does require that you have certain skills that people will be willing to pay you to do for them. This is usually things like article writing, copywriting, programming, web design and graphic design.

There are several websites available for finding freelance work, including,, and These sites specialize in bringing together freelancers and people looking to hire freelancers. The people who already have successful internet businesses know the value of their time and they employ freelancers to do the legwork so they can do what they do best, which is usually marketing and networking.

3) Selling content. This is becoming a popular way to make money online. All you need to do is research topics (niches) that people are interested in and write articles on them. You can also write reports and ebooks on the topics. Then you sell the content to people that will use it on their sites or resell it as if they had written it.

You can sell your content as a ghost written product for as much as $10.00 per page or more. You can also sell it for a lower fixed price to a limited number of people and offer Private Label Rights (PLR). That just means the buyer can make changes to the content, put their own name on it and call it their own, or just about anything else they want.

There are few great sites where you can find buyers for your content. They are the Warrior Forum, Digitalpoint Forums, and Sitepoint Marketplace. These are all places where the internet marketers and webmasters hang out and they are the ones most likely to buy your content.

That's just a few examples of good internet businesses you can start quickly and easily. The internet has opened doors that in the past were often closed to people who wanted to start their own businesses. There are multiple ways to make money online so find something that is a good fit for you and go with it.

How to Make $250 for Free by Flipping a Website

There are a lot of people getting into buying and selling websites these days because site flipping is such a hot topic right now and a great way to make money online. Sometimes there are people who are trying to sell a website or blog and for whatever reason they need or want someone else to do it for them.
There are many reasons why a person would need help selling their website or blog…
- Maybe they aren’t very good at writing up an auction that will sell, or they have never done it before so they don’t even know where to start.
- They might need money really bad and must sell their site now but they are new to site flipping and haven’t built up a reputation yet, so they want help from someone who has.
- It could also be that they simply don’t have time and are willing to pay someone a percentage to just do it for them.
…Or maybe they have another reason for needing help with their site flip.
Whatever the reason is, you can step in and sell it for them for some very easy money!
I recently sold a website for an online business acquaintance of mine because he needed the money fast and thought that I could sell it much faster than he could and get more money for it. He agreed to pay me 10% of whatever the site sold for. I calculated the value of the site being around $2500 so that’s what we decided to set the Buy It Now (BIN) at. Within two days we got a BIN bid and the site was sold.
The site owner handled the domain transfer, site transfer, answered all the questions, and everything else. He even paid the Sitepoint fees for listing the auction. All I did was write up the auction listing and sell the site. Although I did offer to handle the transferring of the domain and site files and would have done it, but he did it himself instead.
He sent me the $250 and it was done. That was about the easiest money I’ve ever made! And it was completely free money other than the hour or so I spent writing and listing the auction.
Flipping websites is a fairly easy way to make money online itself but this was even easier because I didn’t have to buy or build the site, or do much else.
There are plenty of people out there just waiting for someone like you to help them with their site flip or blog flip. Go make some easy money

How to Make Money on PPC Using Affiliate Programs

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is one of the most effective promotional methods online. It provides instant traffic and quick results for any marketing campaign. A really fast and easy way to get targeted traffic to your website.If you have a little start-up capital, you can begin promoting other people's products via without a web site using affiliate programs
To succeed with PPC advertising you need to make more in sales than you pay for ad clicks. Some people make thousands a day. There are many online PPC guides that will show you the way to making profits with pay per click ads and affiliate programs.
Step 1:Determine the niche you want to target. This could be anything from health and beauty to self-improvement. If you have trouble coming up with a niche, just think of something that interests you or that you know a lot about. This will help you to identify segments of a given niche that may not be fully explored
Step 2:Compile a list of products with affiliate programs in your chosen niche. There are a number of affiliate programs which are managed by affiliate directories. These are the easiest to find. Others are privately managed by the merchant's dedicated marketing team. While these are a little harder to find, they tend to be more profitable because they have less competition.
Step 3:Use a keyword research tool to find keywords and phrases that pertain to your chosen niche. These can be paid or free. Begin by searching for the names of the products to identify keywords that buyers may enter into a search engine. Also, search various terms beginning with “how to” that relate to problems your affiliate products address.
Step 4:Refine your keyword list. The goal is to narrow your list down to keywords and phrases that receive 100 or more searches monthly but have low competition in the search engines.
Step 5:Open up your PPC account. There are a number of PPC search engines you can target, the major players being Google, Yahoo, and MSN. Each has a dedicated tutorial to help you set up an account with them. Most will require you to deposit some funds to get the account going. Step 6:Write your ads and enter your keywords into your PPC. Be sure your ads are designed to spark the curiosity of searchers. You don't have to try to tell them everything about the product in your ad because the room is limited.
Step7:Set your bid amounts. Shoot for a maximum bid of $0.10. If you have to bid more in order to get a keyword placed in the first page of results, then delete that keyword and move on to another that is less competitive but still has 100 or more monthly searches.
Step 8:Test and track your keywords and phrases. There a several tools that serve this purpose. The goal is to determine which keywords lead to conversions and which don't. As time progresses, get rid of the keywords that don't convert so you can increase your profit margin.